Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New Blog-site for "The Culture Pages"-- check it out!

Hey, Everyone-- I'm moving!

I decided to create a different blog for "The Culture Pages", and start the new year on a blank slate. This year will be a prolific and transformational one, I can already tell.

I received my big check in the mail from the Minnesota State Arts Board-- all of it at once! I can't tell you how affirming it is, to know that the state ... you, my fellow Minnesotans, support me in my art. (Yes, your tax dollars hard at work!) I will do my very best to, well, aspire to the lofty ideals I wrote into my grant.

So won't you please join me, in moving over to my new blogging abode at:

(Press Release-style Summary:)
The Culture Pages is an ongoing collaborative investigation of the evolution of culture, digging up the roots of our generation's sense of disconnection to the natural world.
The creators and cast of this production will use video, puppetry, butoh dance & more, when we present our findings onstage in November 2009.